Sunday, April 13, 2014

Different Learning Styles - Online Education, Does it Fit Your Learning Style?

Learning styles are described as kinesthetic, auditory, visual, interpersonal or intrapersonal. Most individuals are a combination of two or more of these styles but often one style is predominant.
Kinesthetic learners need to be actively involved in the learning process. They need action.
Auditory learners interprets the world by listening to sounds, intonations, rhythms.
Visual learners are attuned to patterns, symbols, colours and visual impressions.
Intrapersonal learners need group interaction, discussions and presentations.
The interpersonal learner needs leadership within the group setting.
We can observe from the simple groupings described above that the person who is overwhelming interpersonal or intrapersonal would probably not be the best candidate for on-line training. The potential of such a person would be greatly enhanced by enrolling in a classroom course, and if that is not convenient to mix both setting in order to enjoy the programme and to learn the course material.
The kinesthetic learner would also have a lot of problems in pursuing a purely on-line course. The key issue being that such an individual needs hands-on participation with the course content. In order to accommodate this type of learner the course material may need to be more interactive.
For the more visual person, on-line education is an excellent medium, and especially if the programme is made visually dynamic. Likewise for the auditory learner adding sounds to the visual is a good method to stimulate learning and interest in the course content.
We can therefore understand the apprehension of some persons to on-line education, and so we see providers are creatively enhancing the on-line learning experience using conference calls, virtual classrooms, discussion forums, tutorials, and live chat rooms. All this to accommodate the different learning styles.
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